Anchor link list

In progress

List of anchor links for titles on page.

# Example of Accordion

  list-title="Contents of the page"
  anchor-items='[{"title": "Mitä kou­lu­tus­oh­jel­mia Hel­sin­gin yliopistossa on tar­jol­la?", "url": "#title-id-1"},{"title": "Ha­luai­sin opis­kel­la yk­sit­täi­siä kurs­se­ja, en ko­ko­nais­ta tut­kin­toa. Mi­ten toi­min?", "url": "#title-id-2"},{"title": "Tervetuloa Helsingin Yliopistoon", "url": "#title-id-3"}]'

# Properties

Property Attribute Description Type Default
anchorItems anchor-items Array of anchor items AnchorItem[] \| string undefined
closeLabel close-label Close state label string undefined
listTitle list-title Title for content list button string undefined
openLabel open-label Open state label string undefined

# Dependencies

# Depends on

# Graph

graph TD;
  hy-anchor-link-list --> hy-icon
  style hy-anchor-link-list fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px

Helsinki University Design System