# Colors

The main colors of Helsinki University style are white, black and shades of blue defined in the brand guide. Additional colors are used only as the accent color for different departments designs that the color is assigned to and should not be used in general components

You can use them in your css with css variables or import them from colors.ts in camel-cased format: import {brandMain} from '../colors'.

# Usage

Color CSS variable Color code Comments
--brand-main #0e688b Main brand color
--brand-main-light #107eab
--brand-main-active #005379
--brand-main-dark #003146
--brand-main-nearly-black #000222
--grayscale-white #fff Main white
--grayscale-light #f8f8f8
--grayscale-medium-dark #979797
--grayscale-dark #555555
--grayscale-black #000000 Main black
--additional-red-light #E5053A Color reserved for department use
--additional-red-dark #A31621 Color reserved for department use
--additional-purple-light #42003 Color reserved for department use
--additional-yellow #F9A21A Color reserved for department use
--additional-skyblue #48C5F8 Color reserved for department use
--additional-green-light #96BA3C Color reserved for department use
--additional-green-dark #006400 Color reserved for department use

HY component demo